



74 Burrows Road, Lethbridge
Victoria 3332

At the Winery


Lethbridge was founded in 1996 when the lazy afternoons Adrian Thomas, Maree Collis and Ray Nadeson once spent sipping wines evolved into planting vines. In 2003 Maree and Ray decided to leave their science careers to be full time winemakers.

The vineyard in Lethbridge outside Geelong, originally planted in 1874 by Swiss immigrants, was replanted by the new owners. Its continental climate, shallow black clay soils and sandy loams produce distinct flavours. The vineyard is managed following the biodynamic principles of Rudolf Steiner. They also source fruit from across Victoria, including Mount Duneed's historic Rebenberg Vineyard. The wines, made at Lethbridge's straw bale winery, are an expression of site.

Lethbridge's style is savoury, balanced and textural. Their lead wines are the Mietta Pinot Noir, Allegra Chardonnay and Indra Shiraz. On the rare occasions when the vintage conditions are right, they also produce their Botrytis Riesling TBA.


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